The essence of the apricot

Behind our wine cellar we have some 70-year-old apricot trees, which provide us and a few friendly families with highly aromatic fruit in the summer. Ten years ago, the trees were covered to bursting with apricots, much more than we could process into jams and dumplings. Therefore, the then senior winemaker Anton Mayr had a few bunches of the fruit macerated and refined into fruit schnapps. This matured for a good ten years in a glass balloon, and when we tasted it this year, we were thrilled by how fragrant it was on the nose and how finely fruity it was on the palate…

A rarity: an apricot Edelbrand aged for 10 years

Wir haben den Edelbrand nun abgefüllt und ihn zu Ehren des damaligen Chefs „Anton“ getauft. Sehr viele Flaschen sind es leider nicht geworden, ein paar von ihnen wandern in unseren persönlichen Keller, und eine limitierte Menge verkaufen wir an Liebhaber hochprozentiger Genüsse. Preis für die 0,5 l-Flasche: € 55,–. If you want to reserve a bottle, please write us an e-mail or call us.